I am the Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s Division 4 Councillor representing Maroochydore, Mooloolaba, Cotton Tree, Alexendra Headland, Minyama, Buddina, Parreara, Kawana Island and Warana.

Joe Natoli

Our beautiful Sunshine Coast, the place we’ve chosen to live, is being challenged by the pace of change. Pressure is mounting due to the increasing population densities and building heights, which are impacting the Sunshine Coast we love and know. Our roads are clogging up, our infrastructure is lagging, and our overall lifestyle is paying the price. I’m determined to continue to make sure my voice, my experience, and my ‘fighting spirit’ mean we find a better way forward. For the past 4 years, I have fought to ensure our future lifestyle is protected, and I will continue to do so.

“I will always put ‘Residents First’ before the interests of Developers.”

Joe Natoli

Massive Change is being planned for Division 4

The new Town Plan, that is currently being prepared, is proposing to put the majority of our increased population out to 2041, along our coastal corridor.

This means we are heading into a massive change for Division 4.

I have asked Council Officers to ensure by the time the draft planning scheme is ready to go out to Community Consultation, that I’m provided with a list of every street earmarked for change within the new draft planning scheme in Division 4.  The information I have requested is for each street’s current zoning, and the new zoning changes proposed, and what changes will occur in both density and height. This way I can provide you with the exact information proposed for each street to be impacted, so you won’t have to work this out for yourself. I will ensure that this information is delivered to these streets affect, so that you will be fully informed.

I want residents to be aware, this is the biggest shift in planning in the history of the Sunshine Coast. Division 4 will incur the greatest impact with these proposed changes. The current Council is expecting Division 4 to pay the highest price, and accommodate a large number of infill requirements under the SEQ Regional Plan.

In 2017, the previous Jamieson Council agreed to the infill targets of 62% of the future population growth for the Sunshine Coast in the SEQ Regional Plan. The previous Council, without any community consultation, decided to place a large proportion of the infill development along the coastal corridor between Maroochydore and Caloundra. The vehicle to enable this to happen was Light Rail, which was renamed “Mass Transit System”. Even though Light Rail is no longer being considered, any Mass Transit System, in a dedicated right of way (removing two lanes of traffic), is the conduit to where most of the infill in the future will be delivered.  This means the densities are likely to continue to be increased to accommodate more and more infill … and therefore, result in taller and taller buildings into the future. 

My Council colleagues have accused me of scaremongering when I have said, “they are laying the foundations for the next Gold Coast”.  Many of those who have challenged me have served in Council for three (3) terms or longer, and are the same Councillors who withheld this plan to densify this coastal corridor from the community. 

The lack of transparency and honesty around this issue has shocked me.

How they could devise such a settlement pattern without the community understanding and endorsing it, is beyond me.

What does this mean to the existing owners of residential homes in Division 4? 

If your streets are close to the Mass Transit corridor, then the chances are there could be changes in the new Town Plan. This will mean that your residential streets will be up-zoned and have multi-unit developments being built in what was once a quiet, low-density and low-height built form.  Some owners may benefit because it might mean house values could increase if developers are amalgamating lots, but others who purchased their forever dream homes will be devastated with the knowledge that they may be living beside a high-rise building. Their lifestyle and residential amenity will change forever.

What do we need to do?

With the draft Town Plan already sent to the State Government for State Interest Check, we are almost at a point of no return.  We need all residents to fight these changes if we have any hope of retaining the residential amenity of our streets. You must all make strong representation with your submissions to the new Town Plan.

We need a new Council willing to support the residents. 

We need strong representation in Council, and a Council willing to stand up to the State Government.

I am willing to lead this charge, but I can’t do it alone. I need those who I am representing to be there with me, and work with me to reduce the impacts on our residents in Division 4.

Joe Natoli