About Joe Natoli

Continuing to put Residents First before the interests of Developers!

Joe Natoli has been your Division 4 Councillor for the past 4 years.  During this time he has relentlessly advocated for his community.  Often, despite strong opposition from his fellow councillors, Joe has stood firm on issues that significantly impact your community including:

  • Light Rail,

  • Increased density in the Draft Planning Scheme for Division 4,

  • High-rise Development,

  • Loo with a View,

  • Paid Parking,

  • Brisbane Road Carpark,

  • M2M Cycleway and

  • Mooloolaba Beach Seawall. 

He has continually voted against Council initiatives that threaten the lifestyle and amenity of those who live in your division. To check out Joe’s voting history over the past four years, with explanations, click here.

He is a respected member of the Sunshine Coast community, and actively engages with Community Groups, Residents and Business Owners to ensure their views and issues are addressed.

Joe Natoli has more than 15 years of Local Government experience having served as a Councillor, and the last serving Mayor for Maroochy Shire Council before the forced amalgamation. In the past four years as Division 4 Councillor of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.  This experience means Joe knows how to “get things done”. 

Joe has proven he is prepared to take on the big issues, and while it is impossible to please everyone, Joe has sought to find solutions that work best for the majority of residents.  Not all agree with some of his decisions, but ultimately he has tried to do the “right thing” for the majority of the people. 

Why is it important Joe Natoli is re-elected?

The next four years are critical to the future lifestyle of those who live in Division 4. Massive change is being planned and the Division needs a representative that understands the issues and is prepared to fight for the residents.

On December 14, 2023, at the Ordinary Meeting, Council endorsed the Sunshine Coast Corporate Plan 2024-2028, which clearly states:

“Council will also include planning to accomodate a greater proportion of forecast dwelling growth within the existing urban area, in particular, within the coastal corridor between Maroochydore and Caloundra”.

There is a further requirement that at least 62% of the future population be located withjin existing urban areas (infill). This means the majority of the 124,062 new residents coming, will be located in this coastal corridor.

Joe was the only Councillor who voted against this Corporate Plan in February 2023, and again in December 2023 when it was refreshed and represented. The reason for this was because, for the very first time, the Council had committed to delivering the densities to underpin the Mass Transit System, before going to Public Consultation on the new Draft Planning Scheme.

One of the principles of the Local Govt Act clearly states that when Council goes to Public Consultation, it must be meaningful. Joe questioned the Council on how could the future Public Consultation on the Draft Planning Scheme be meaningful when they had pre-committed to deliver the majority of the future infill growth within this corridor?

The population of Division 4 is likely to double if this plan progresses. 

In Round 1 of Public Consultation in the New Draft Planning Scheme in 2023, Council indicated the following changes are likely to occur in Division 4:      

  • Areas of Maroochydore surrounding the CBD are likely to be rezoned to accommodate higher and more dense housing. 

  • New Urban Villages along Nicklin Way are likely.  They are to be positioned 800m apart where possible mass transit stations are located.  Council indicated these areas will likely be rezoned for buildings 6-8 stories, 400m around these stations.  That means wall to wall high-rise along the Nicklin Way.

  • Make Kawana Shopping World and surrounds a ‘Major Regional Activity Centre” which means building heights can be increased well beyond 6-8 stories.

  • Alexandra Headland and Mooloolaba residential areas are also likely to be rezoned for higher buildings and densities.

  • The Kawana Industrial Centre is likely to be rezoned to ‘mixed use’ resulting in high-rise development, and the necessary relocation of current businesses. To where? Council has no answer to this question, to date.  The relocation will not be in any location close by, as there is no planned industrial land in Division 4.

The division needs someone who is prepared to fight against the current Council’s thinking, someone who is prepared to protect Division 4’s lifestyle and amenity.

If these changes proceed, Division 4 will be changed forever. 

Joe is prepared to continue to put the interests of residents before those of developers!

Joe will do whatever it takes to bring about changes to preserve the lifestyle of Division 4.

Things you may not know about Joe

Joe has lived on the Sunshine Coast for over 50 years; originally arriving with his family in 1970 from Victoria, and settling in Caloundra.

Joe is passionate about the Arts. While Mayor of Maroochy Shire, he supported two International Sculpture Symposiums, a sculpture collaborative project with Maroochy Shire’s sister city Xiamen, and commissioned the Steve Irwin sculpture in memory of the legacy Steve left, which is located on the beachfront at Mooloolaba. He still has a major passion for the Arts.

Joe’s sports included playing AFL for the Gympie Cats and the Caloundra Panthers, he played Cricket for the Caloundra Cricket Club and was a member of the Caloundra Golf Club as a Junior.

Joe’s hobbies still include fishing with his son, Roman, watching his team, the Brisbane Lions, both male and female, and watching Brisbane Heat Cricket, with his family.

Over the years, Joe has held a number of roles outside of Local Government. These include:

  • Chairman of the Queensland Fruit and Vegetable Traders Association for five years, elected in 1992. Joe ran active campaigns highlighting the injustice of government policies towards small business, especially extended trading hours in Queensland. He also testified at two Federal Government inquiries into the unfair trading practices and predatory pricing of major retailers.

  • Member of Prime Minister John Howard’s Micro Business Reform Committee, one of 20 representatives chosen Australia-wide. He informed policy in the area.

  • Inaugural Chairman of the National Seachange Taskforce. representing 80 local governments throughout Australia. Joe held that position for four years.

  • Head of the Sunshine Coast branch of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for just over four years.

Joe is a contributor to many community organisations and charities.

Joe the family man

Joe is married to Television News Presenter and University Lecturer, Rosanna Natoli, and has three children: Ruby, Mia and Roman.

His three children were born in Nambour, attended schools on the Sunshine Coast and Ruby and Mia are both studying at the University of the Sunshine Coast. They all still live at home.

Joe and his family live in Harmony Estate at Palmview.

The Natolis have dedicated their lives to serving the Sunshine Coast for over 30 years, volunteering their time and skills to many community events and charity organisations. They know what it means to be “local”.