Press Release

7 March 2024

“Former CEO Interference in Sekisui Decision”

The former CEO directed a council staffer to recommend ‘approval’ of Sekisui when that officer had originally recommended ‘refusal’. This interference compromised the integrity of the officer and seriously undermined the confidence the community has in Council’s decision-making. 

Recently, it has come to my attention from a whistle-blower and a very reliable source, that the former CEO, Michael Whittaker, directed the Planning Assessment Officer to recommend approving the Yaroomba Beach development, better known as the Sekisui development, when the planning assessment officer’s initial recommendation was for “Refusal”, back in 2018. 

Let me be clear: according to the whistle-blower, the CEO directed that the report come to Council stamped “APPROVAL” when the planning officer’s recommendation was “REFUSAL”. This was covered up and the community needs to know the truth. 

Cr John Connolly moved the resolution and it was seconded by Cr Peter Cox. The whistle-blower has made it clear that a number of councillors were aware the planning assessment officer had refused to sign the report.  

Councillors consider the officers’ professional opinion when making their decisions. 

Cr Joe Natoli said the community had a right to know that there has been interference in Council decision-making, and that the whistleblower says there are more examples of officers being directed and recommendations being reversed. 

This approval triggered the community group Development Watch raising half a million dollars to fight the decision in court, and Council spending untold ratepayer dollars to defend the decision. There will be many, many people disappointed to know this is the case. 

Peter Cox talks about transparency in his recent press release: “It has everything to do with the perception of inappropriate decision making or collusion.  This needs to be avoided at all costs.”

“From a governance perspective, an organisation such as Council, needs to be fully transparent.” Yet, Cr Cox does not follow his own statement. 

To ensure the veracity of this information, I asked the Whistle-blower whether former Councillor Greg Rogerson could call them to confirm what I am saying is correct.   Greg Rogerson was a councillor at the time.

The Whistle-blower has asked me to take this to the Crime and Corruption Commission.

End of release


The Yaroomba Beach development proposal was approved by the Sunshine Coast Council in a six-to-five vote on 21 June, 2018.

There were 9288 submissions against the development, and nearly 3000 in support.

The development would allow for a new seven-storey, five-star hotel along with 753 residential apartments, 98 two-to three storey homes and a retail village.

The council argued at the time its approval was "the type of investment the Sunshine Coast economy needs, as the overall development will support the local building and construction industry as well as providing future employment for locals".



I PERCEIVED CONFLICT OF INTEREST Pursuant to Section 175E of the Local Government Act 2009, the following personal interests were raised: Councillor M Jamieson informed the meeting of a personal interest for item 4.1.1 Development Application for Material Change of Use (Preliminary Approval), Material Change of Use (Development Permit) and Reconfiguration of a Lot (Development Permit) - David Low Way, Yaroomba. Councillor M Jamieson made a statement noting that there may be a perceived conflict of interest given he received electoral donations from representatives of Project Urban Pty Ltd. Councillor M Jamieson further disclosed that he formed the view that given the circumstances associated with the basis of the perceived conflict of interest, he believed he could appropriately manage any perceived conflict should it exist and could impartially make a decision in the public interest on the matters before Council. 

As required by s175E of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor M Jamieson informed the meeting of a personal interest in relation to matters to be considered in item 4.1.1. Councillor M Jamieson set out the following in relation to this interest: I am making this declaration on the basis that the applicant depicted on the Form 1 - IDAS Development Application form and as described in the report is "SH Coolum Pty Ltd c/- Project Urban Pty Ltd". I am declaring that there may be a perceived conflict of interest given I received the following electoral donations from representatives of Project Urban Pty Ltd. • On 3 January 2012, I received a donation of $380 from Andrew Stevens who is the Managing Director of Project Urban Pty Ltd; • On 3 February 2012, I received a further donation of $570 from Andrew Stevens; • On 11 January 2012, I received a donation of $380 from Kari Stephens who is a Director of Project Urban Pty Ltd. In making this declaration, I have also formed the view that given the circumstances associated with the basis of the perceived conflict of interest, I believe I can appropriately manage any perceived conflict should it exist and that I can impartially make a decision in the public interest on the matters before Council today. 

Council Resolution (SM18/10) Moved: Seconded: That Council: Councillor J Connolly Councillor P Cox (a) receive and note the report titled "Development Application for Material Change of Use (Preliminary Approval}, Material Change of Use (Development Permit) and Reconfiguration of a Lot (Development Permit) - David Low Way, Yaroomba". 

For: Councillor T Dwyer, Councillor P Cox, Councillor J Connolly, Councillor C Dickson, Councillor S Robinson and Councillor M Jamieson.

Against: Councillor R Baberowski, Councillor J McKay, Councillor E Hungerford, Councillor J O'Pray and Councillor G Rogerson. Council
